Male and female competitors took off their socks at the Bentley Brook Inn in Fenny Bentley to compete in the quirky sport, which is based on arm-wrestling.
The event was originally devised by Staffordshire landlord George Burgess in 1976 in an attempt to find a new sport for British people to dominate.
Matches involve players locking big toes to try to force their opponent's digit to the floor over three rounds.
This year saw Burton's Paul Beech, otherwise known as Predatoe, take the men's title while Lisa 'Twinkletoes' Shenton, from Ashbourne, clinched the female title.
Ban on stimulants
Organiser Wendy Payne said: "We had quite a few new challengers this year - about 20 men and eight ladies.
"They didn't last long, mind you."
The event, which previously took place at the Royale Oak in Wetton, moved to its current venue eight years ago and raises money for the When You Wish Upon A Star charity.
Official rules for the sport include a ban on stimulants "except alcohol" and each round begins with the referee shouting "toes away".
Players start each match competing with their right foot, then they change to their left foot for the second round and if a deciding round is needed, they swap back to their right.
Mr Beech, who has won the event seven times, said he would be back to defend his title at next year's competition.
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