It's the Magazine's 7 days, 7 questions quiz - an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you are a news oracle. Failing that, you can always claim to have had better things to do during the past week than swot up on current affairs.

1.) Multiple Choice Question
Scientists have discovered the secret to making the best-tasting cup of tea. But what did they say would destroy the "all-round sensory experience"?

Letting the temperature drop to below 45C
Leaving the tea for six minutes before drinking it
2.) Multiple Choice Question
Who this week changed their moniker on Twitter to MrsLRCooper?
Singer Lily Allen

3.) Multiple Choice Question
What's believed to be the world's smallest dinosaur was unveiled this week. The fossilised vertebrae was found by amateur fossil hunter Dave Brockhurst, but where had he kept it for two years?

His bedside drawer
His shed
4.) Missing Word Question
Dalai Lama * joke backfires
5.) Multiple Choice Question
When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - newlyweds William and Kate - tour Canada and the US soon, they will take which ONE of these aides?

6.) Multiple Choice Question
British ladybirds (pictured) have suffered serious decline, partly due to the increase of an alien species of the bug, a study has found. What is the world's most invasive ladybird species - of Asian origin - known as?

7.) Multiple Choice Question
The word "babes" is among nearly 2,000 new entries in the Oxford English Dictionary. What is the word a rare example of?

A double diminutive
A genitive
It's letting the temperature drop to less than 45C. Volunteers consumed 285 cups of tea in a laboratory at the University of Northumbria's School of Life Sciences for the experiment.It's Lily Allen. The 26-year-old, who got married last weekend, announced via Twitter that she was taking her husband Sam Cooper's surname. It was reported this week that Harris and Hefner have called off the engagement.It's his bedside drawer. Mr Brockhurst did not realise the importance of the discovery he made at Ashdown Brickworks in East Sussex and waited for two years before showing experts. The dinosaur is thought to have measured between 13 and 16in in length - similar to the size of a loaf of bread.It's pizza. An Australian TV presenter had to have elements of this joke translated to the Tibetan leader: "So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop... and says can you make me one with everything?" A confused Dalai Lama looked blankly at the presenter.Kate's personal hairdresser will travel with them, but no stylist or speechwriter - she will be seen but not heard. They will have a wardrobe assistant for costume changes.It's the harlequin. The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) study shows a population explosion of the Asian harlequin ladybird since its arrival in 2004.It's a double diminutive. Among the phrases that are being introduced are "brain candy" (entertainment that is undemanding) and "brain gym" (activity that stimulates the mind).Your Score
0 - 3 : Brain candy
4 - 6 : Brain gym
7 - 7 : Brain ache
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